

We support the replacement parts markets around the world with our experience and connections with automotive parts manufacturers in China and Brazil.

The quality and durability of a part for your car depends on the quality of the materials, precision manufacturing equipment, and attention to all of the specification details. We only work with factories that have these capabilities and a proven track record of performance.

Our primary focus includes the following parts categories:

  • Steering and Suspension
  • Water and Oil Pumps
  • Brake Parts – Liners, Shoes, Drums
  • Wheel Hubs
  • Oxygen Sensors

The automotive aftermarket business is a competitive market where having the right parts and excellent quality is a requirement.

Our partners have been working with high quality standard parts for the last 30 years and we have a clear understanding about these demands.

Summit Group is ready to support you to develop your business, starting with help to identify the right parts, giving you reliable information about the best manufacturers, and assisting you in the negotiations.

And we will also help you to manage the production and delivery schedule with the factory and will perform quality assurance inspection of  the parts before shipment.